Tokyo Auto Salon 2024 – The Mazdas of TAS

Having taken a gander at the two biggest automotive manufacturers of Japan, it would be remiss not to shift our focus to the smaller marques that have been punching well above their weight for decades. One of these, is Matsuda Kabushiki Gaisha, better known, as Mazda. This celebrated and determined manufacturer from Hiroshima, known not…

Tokyo Auto Otaku 2023 – The other JDMs of TAS2023

I know, I know, it’s been months since TAS2023 ended! But with work and other comitments piling up, I’ve been hving much less time to sit down and update my blogs. Nevertheless, here’s a continuation of my short truncated sojurn through the halls of Makuhari Messe. Having given you a quick look at the fancy…